In what appears to be a drastic change of pace for genre giant A24, their upcoming slasher film Slice is a pizza-themed horror film starring one of the biggest names in music–Chance the Rapper.

The debut teaser doesn’t give away much in terms of plot (though the synopsis does mention a disgraced werewolf), but the few “slices” of footage shown seem fairly different in both setting and tone. From moody night strolls to bulging eyeballs and bava-esque coloring, Slice may very well be some sort of anthology or hyperlink film. Either way, color me excited to see what A24 can offer outside of its typical drama-heavy form factor.

“Slice may very well be some sort of anthology or hyperlink film.”

Per usual, the company has gone with a relatively unknown filmmaker to helm the project. Writer/director Austin Vesely has few production credits outside of a couple of prior collaborations with Bennett (Chance the Rapper). I can’t help but feel that’s a good thing. Check out the teaser below, and let us know what you think. I’m pumped.

Plot Synopsis

When a pizza delivery driver is murdered on the job, the city searches for someone to blame: ghosts? drug dealers? a disgraced werewolf?