I can’t believe this day has finally come, but after a year-ish of the same still image over and over again; a debut trailer for the Blumhouse and Netflix partnership CREEP has been released.

Given the plot of the film; it should come as no surprise that CREEP is a found footage affair. I mean, it’s about a guy filming another guy… the format make sense here.  I gotta say though, I’m forward to this one. CREEP is set to be released on Netflix on July 14th; until then, have a look at the debut trailer below:

“Aaron (Patrick Brice) is an optimistic videographer that decides to come work for Josef (Mark Duplass) after answering his ad on Craigslist. All Aaron has to do is record Josef throughout the day and remain discreet about the entire setup. Josef tells Aaron that he’ll be recording a series of videos for his unborn son, as he’s suffering from a terminal illness and will never be able to see him grow up. While Josef seems strange, the money is too good for Aaron to pass up and he agrees to the task. However as the day progresses Josef becomes increasingly strange and Aaron finds it difficult to tell whether or not some of the things Josef is saying or doing are truly jokes or actually a sign of true danger and mental instability.”

creep poster