I don’t know about you, but I’m not too comfortable with the idea of being in a “Fear Chamber” to face my fears. I’ll watch other people do it for amusement though. Robert Englund will be reprising his role as Dr. Andover in Fear Clinic. It’s such a strange thought to turn to one of the most iconic antagonists of fear, in previous films, to cure what ails you. Looks like Fear Clinic will be hitting Xbox video and iTunes January 30th while releasing on DVD, Blu-ray and VOD February 10th. Pretty excited to see what this has in store. (Did I mention the vocalist from Slipknot is in the film? I love me some Slipknot)

“When trauma-induced phobias begin to re-emerge in five survivors a year after their horrifying tragedy, they return to the ‘Fear Clinic,’ hoping to find the answers they need to get cured. Dr. Andover, a fear doctor who runs the clinic, uses his Fear Chamber to animate their fears in the form of terrifying hallucinations. However, the good doctor soon begins to suspect that something more sinister may be at work, something that yearns to be more than just an hallucination…”


[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/EF9bvOxANkI” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>]