Claiming to be the most fucked up German fairy tale is bold bordering on ballsy. But from SNOWFLAKE’s trailer, the claim appears to be bloody true—pun intended. If you want to see Snowflake, a German movie, you can thank Artsploitation Films as the distribution company acquired the movie’s U.S. rights. It will release in the second half of 2018.

The synopsis below does not even begin to explain the craziness you see in the trailer. It appears two friends are living through some fairytale where a screenplay is dictating their life and they track down the screenwriter, and then things get crazier and there’s blood and some electro dude. Yeah. It’s weird, bloody, violent, and looks to be a helluva ride.

Adolfo Kolmerer (A TIME OF VULTURES) and William James direct a script written by Arend Remmers (A TIME OF VULTURES). SNOWFLAKE stars Reza Brojerdi, Erkan Acar, and Xenia Assenza.

Hunting down the murderer of their families in an anarchic Berlin of the near future, the outlaws Tan and Javid find themselves trapped in the wicked fairytale of a mysterious screenplay that entangles them in a vicious circle of revenge—apparently all written by a clueless dentist.