Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria was one of the most highly anticipated genre films of 2018. While the film wasn’t unanimously well-received, it’s impossible to deny that Guadagnino was able to stylishly address elements that the original film wasn’t able to.

Excelling in atmosphere, sound design, and subtle political undertones; Suspiria will subvert expectations and leave you wanting more.

Amazon Studios will be releasing the Blu-Ray/DVD on January 29th 2019. This release will include 3  featurettes:

    The Making of Suspiria”
    “The Secret Language of Dance”
    “The Transformations of Suspiria”. 

Plot Synopsis:

Young American dancer Susie Bannion arrives in 1970s Berlin to audition for the world-renowned Helena Markos Dance Co. When she vaults to the role of lead dancer, the woman she replaces breaks down and accuses the company’s female directors of witchcraft. Meanwhile, an inquisitive psychotherapist and a member of the troupe uncover dark and sinister secrets as they probe the depths of the studio’s hidden underground chambers.

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