in 2013, Eric England released Contracted upon the world. A modern take on the increasingly stale zombie subgenre; the film was every bit as polarizing as it was disgusting. Twitter streams across the nation were flooded with reactions and warnings to fellow movie watchers, and it seemed as if the writing was on the wall for an inevitable sequel. Now that Contracted: Phase II is set to premiere – we thought it would be the perfect time to go over what we know.

So here we go :

Don’t let the colon and title suffix give you the wrong impression. Contracted: Phase II is a direct sequel to the 2013 film. The story seems to pick up where the original film left off. Riley (Matt Mercer) AKA the guy that poked a vag full of maggots and worms is now infected and appears to be searching for the root of the disease.

Here’s one of the few images of a deteriorating Riley in Contracted: Phase II

Contracted Phase II


From what we understand, the plot of Phase II seems much larger in scope than the original film. Talks of a global conspiracy that threatens to infect the world are out there. You might think that going with an established writing and directing team would make sense when you’re looking to stretch your legs in the story space. That’s not the case here though. The film is written by Craig Walendziak and directed by Josh Forbes. This is the first feature film for both of them, so we’ll have to wait and see if they can fill the rather large shoes left behind by England.

Josh Forbes’ latest credited directing gig is the short film Home Cooking. It’s not horror, and it’s not cinematic – so don’t let this color your views on Phase II. It is pretty damn funny though, so the guy has good taste if nothing else.


Perhaps she is only seen in flashbacks and memories, but the leading lady of the original film (Najarra Townsend) is listed on the official IMDB page for the film. Take that for what it’s worth.

Contracted 2

So there is is. It might not be much, but we expect to have more information and media to share with you guys as release grows nearer. So stay tuned for the inevitable trailer release, still images, release dates, and director comments. You know we got you covered.