This week finds Ash tied and gagged while possessed Kelly plays the victim.  She’s convinced Pablo and the Brujo that Eligos has taken up residence inside Ash. Gagged, Ash isn’t able to explain. After collecting a variety of items for the Brujo, possessed Kelly and a very worried Pablo wait in the airstream while the Brujo prepares for an exorcism.

Pablo is so worked up that he’s not noticing Kelly’s behavior is really off.  She finds a bag of weed in the airstream and rigs Ash’s shotgun as a make shift pipe.  Having changed into something a bit more revealing, she works on seducing Pablo long enough to get him to use the shotgun pipe.  Though, she plans to put in a shell when he’s not looking and blow his brains out. Pablo’s feelings for Kelly runs deeper than a simple fling, though, and his sweet attempt to make this moment count as something special causes Kelly to run out of patience. Her eyes go black and her mouth gets inhumanly toothy.

With the right possessed person tied up, the Brujo gets to work separating Eligos from his host. Nothing works.  Kelly vomits on Ash, chews up leeches, and laughs at the gang for their feeble attempts. Pablo is taking her possession particularly hard, and his uncle takes him outside to cool off.

His uncle finally make amends for their past grievances, and his uncle points out that maybe Pablo was right to leave.  After all, he found the light of El Jefe in Ash when it was buried very, very deep. This touching moment of closure and understanding can’t bode well, though, right?

Renewed, Pablo storms back inside and demands to trade places.  Eligos can take him willingly.  For whatever reason, Eligos accepts and crawls out of Kelly’s mouth.  In physical form, Eligos phases in and out, making it tricky for Ash to get a lock on him.  It buys Eligos enough time to impale the Brujo.  There goes quality nephew and uncle bonding time.  Ash recalls his mantra, “Shoot first, don’t think at all,” and destroys Eligos for good.

From the Brujo’s funeral pyre Pablo collects a dropped amulet, taking it as a sign from beyond.  Kelly remembers nothing from her ordeal. Despite everything, Pablo still had time to make Ash a new prosthetic hand.  This one has grip and flip-the-bird action, and Ash is excited to shove it up some deadite’s ass. Another team building event in the bag.

Good riddance, Eligos.  As cool as he was during his initial summoning two episodes ago, Eligos long over stayed his welcome. With nearly the entire episode dedicated to saving Kelly, the narrative once again came to a stand-still.  This episode did mark Ash embracing his inner El Jefe, however, and gave center stage to his sidekicks.  Dana DeLorenzo brought physicality to possessed Kelly, and displayed wide range in this week’s performance.  Ray Santiago continues to shine as the heart of the team, and Pablo’s growth from innocence to more confident this episode laid the foundation for a satisfying character arch.

We’re now halfway through the season, and so far Ash vs Evil Dead has lived up to every bit of the hype.  From the trademark humor, expanding the Evil Dead universe, and to the excellent cast of characters, the show has it all.  Even when the plot seemingly slows, it gives the characters time to evolve.  I’ll admit, I wasn’t so fond of the idea of Ashley J. Williams having sidekicks prior to the pilot episode airing.  Having spent five episodes with Pablo and Kelly, however, I can’t wait to see where the Ghost Beaters go next.

What do you think so far?