‘Baskin’ Director Can Evrenol To Begin English-language Horror ‘Housewife’
Turkish director Can Evrenol grabbed the horror community by its balls with his extremely visceral directorial debut last year. Love it or hate it, Baskin’s insane descent into hell was a trip to remember. So it’s no surprise that we’re very interested in his next project, which looks to explore recurring themes of sexuality, family, social claustrophobia and nightmares. Housewife is described by Evrenol to be in the same vein of Rosemary’s Baby, and the director is also drawing influences from Italian horror masters Argento and Fulci for this English-language film.
Filming is scheduled to begin on Housewife this Friday, January 6, and teasing on social media accounts have begun.
January 7, 2017
any word regarding What Severed Remains? On his vimeo channel there is a pre-production teaser of his adaptation of Brian Evenson’s Last Days. https://vimeo.com/192947476
January 8, 2017
That’s super interesting. We’ll be sure to get an update on that one ASAP. Thanks for the tip.
January 8, 2017
the novel is great. and this director isn’t the least bit squeamish, so, it’s a perfect match.