Right off the bat, let us say thanks for the massive support that everyone gave episode 100. We didn’t see that coming. So to capitalize on that success, we decided to record in the equivalent of a sweat lodge. I think if you listen close enough, you can hear the visions kicking in.
There are some exciting horror films coming to Tribeca and amongst those are TILT, THE ENDLESS, and PSYCOPATHS. Each is being helmed by amazing talent, so naturally we give our two cents. The world of television is also swept up in the horror craze, however TNT seems to be having some difficulty getting in on the game. First we look at what they decided on concerning the TV adaptation of LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. After that we laugh at the continuing debacle that is TNT’s TALES FROM THE CRYPT.
The movie review is another from IFC Midnight, A DARK SONG. We were able to catch this way back at Fantastic Fest, but it’ll soon be available in your home on April 28th. We’re singing different tunes on this one. Last but certainly not least, it’s another round of #AskModernHorrors. There was no prep this time around, so enjoy as we give it to you raw!
All of that, PLUS a look at Tunnicliffe the Cat by blackcathorrormemes on episode 101 of The Modern Horrors Podcast!
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