We brave another bout of Southern winter storms to bring you an episode that’s easily in the top 200. And let us tell you, who knew January was going to bring us so many trailers??
First up is SUMMER OF 84. Kids, bicycles, and murder. Oh, and did we mention it’s from the team behind TURBO KID? That has to be a recipe for success. Next up is a trailer that almost ended up in the trash. With a name like THE CAMPUS, it’s easy to pass it over. However, the ambitious nature of this one has our attention. VICTOR CROWLEY reeks of Adam Green, and we couldn’t love the smell anymore. Finally, the trailer for HELLRAISER: JUDGEMENT has risen from the depths and it’s… inconsistent. Despite reservations, we’re still excited.
This week we observe Nic Cage in his natural environment: being a middle-aged psychopath in MOM AND DAD. This is a special film for a multitude of reasons. It’s not perfect, but it makes some things work that probably shouldn’t work. Finally, we play an old game with a new name. Cinema Centipede. You know, where you take the end of a thing and attach it to the beginning of another. Yeah, you get it.
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January 17, 2018
Not a dick pic but y’all might like it anyway
January 17, 2018
This is literally the best. Email me your address, we’re sending you something. No clue what it is yet.
January 17, 2018
January 17, 2018
We need the highest resolution image of this. It belongs on the studio’s walls.
January 17, 2018
Weeellll… You’ve kinda already got the highest resolution that exists. I stole some stuff off of Google and cobbled it together on my phone using Meme Generator of all things. I could possibly fire up GIMP on my computer later on and try my hand at a professional looking version. I’m super flattered that y’all like it though!