You have undoubtedly heard me banging the drum for various indie horror projects that are seeking funding. I assure you, this isn’t something that I get reimbursed for or anything like that. It’s just incredibly important that we support our filmmakers in a time where technology and good will allow us to do so. It’s never been easier to get your film in front of the masses – but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap. So let’s talk about my newest crowdfunding fixation: Fear Itself.

Fear Itself started life as many features do these days – as a short film. And a decent short film at that. It was made around 2 years ago and serves as a nice proof of concept for what writer/director Aaron Mirtes can achieve. Make no mistake though, Fear Itself seems to be on another level. If the trailer is any indication, you can expect the production values to be nice and crisp. So where do YOU fit in? Well, that’s the fun part.

Fear Itself was forced to halt production a tad early due to their filming location being set on fire (yes, really). That said, the majority of the film has been shot and even edited. Your contribution will be going towards getting production rolling again on a few scenes that are expected to take the film “to the next level”. The cast, the crew, the gear, and everything else needed is already there. We are just helping to get the ball rolling again. As far as “safe” campaigns go – this one is a layup.

While I’m sure all of that sounds nice and good – no one can say it better than Aaron Mirtes himself. Check out the pitch video – along with some still images and official trailer below. Then please be sure to check out the official Kickstarter to aid in production. Every little bit helps – even a dollar. We’ll spare you the Sarah Mclachlan music and sad puppy photos.

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Emma, a college student with a crippling fear of clowns, must come face to face with her worst fear when a clown that has been terrorizing the town promises to kill her.