We’ve been looking forward to the Indonesian clown-horror BADOET for several months now. Aside from (aesthetically) looking fairly spectacular, the film also features what appears to be an incredible original musical composition, creepy kids, and one HELL of a release poster (which you can see below). As with many foreign releases though, we must curb our enthusiasm. The film announced today that they will be hitting regional theaters on November 12th, but there is no word on U.S. release just yet.

Here’s to hoping we get the film in more locations sooner rather than later. Until then, check out the new poster and trailer below.

After three children are tragically murdered, a band of college students is forced to conduct an investigation. When evidence against a mysterious clown figure starts to mount, our heroes soon realize that what they are facing is a force that disguises its darkness through laughter – A force so menacing that it will not hesitate to kill to get what it wants…immortality.
