“This is very serious work that requires an open mind. The results can be quite dramatic. Are you sure that you’re ready for that?” His eyes narrowed onto Olivia, judging her reaction.

With a deep inhale, Olivia nodded her head. She was tired of living the way she had for the last year. It was time for a change.

“OK then. Fill out this paperwork as truthfully as you can. It is of the utmost importance that you share with me as many details of the situation as possible. Understand?” He handed her a clipboard with a long form attached.

She glanced down at the papers and back up to this individual she had just met. Skepticism washed across her face.

“Don’t worry,” he assured her. “We destroy everything once we’re done. No paper trails.”

After a slow nod from Olivia, the proprietor (if that was indeed what he was) disappeared into the back. Picking up the pen that was attached to the clipboard via string, Olivia began to fill out the form in earnest.

It took her several minutes, and she could feel cramps developing in her hand, but she managed to complete the form in as much detail as she could manage. And as if by cue, as soon as the last drop of ink hit the page, the man stepped back into the room.

“Right this way,” he said, grabbing the clipboard and gesturing to the back.

Steeling her resolve, Olivia obediently stepped into the next room. Once again, it wasn’t what she was expecting. Not that she knew exactly what it was that she was expecting. The walls were lined with various anatomical charts of the body. Some showed the muscles, while others depicted various acupuncture points. The Vitruvian Man hung at the head of a padded table, right above what appeared to be the acupuncturist’s supply table. The smell, moxibustion she believed he had called it, filled this room. It was a dank, herbal odor. It reminded her of the times she had smoked pot.

“I’m going to leave you to get undressed and comfortable on the table. Just hop between the sheets, face down please. I’m going to go over your file, and I’ll knock to make sure you’re ready.”